Who we are...

Faith Profile Committee Report 2024

The Faith Profile Committee (FPC) was formed on April 30,2023 at a Congregational meeting. The Faith

Profile replaces the Joint Needs Assessment and was required by Region before we started our clergy

search. It is a living document we will need to update regularly for the Region.

The FPC met over 20 times in 2023 and 2024.

In 2023 key events were a congregational survey and a ½ day workshop. This information, along with

our honest and many discussions and emails, resulted in the profile which was presented to the

congregation on March 10,2024. The Faith Profile was approved by the congregation at this

Congregational meeting.

It was submitted to Region on March 10,2024 and was approved by Region on April 12,2024. This

allowed us to proceed to search mode for a minister.

The FPC was effectively ended upon approval of the Faith Profile from Region.

QUC will need to update this regularly to ensure it still reflects who we are. It is the responsibility of

Council to ensure this happens based on passage of time or significant changes in our church operations

or structure.

The Faith Profile can be reviewed on our website QUC.ca.

Thank you for your patience and for all who participated in the survey and workshop.

The Committee thanks Rev. Ian for his guidance.

The Committee members dedicated a lot of their time to this. The Committee members were:

Kim Brown

Bob Crowley (chair)

Carolyn Kimball

Hally Kimball

Heather McDonald

Rev. Ian Manson (Region Rep)

Faye Sherrard

Tom Wilson

Respectively submitted,

Bob Crowley


Shae Lyn Clark

Shae is the person who keeps us clean and in good order!  When you come into the church and smell the furniture polish, it's because Shae has been here wiping and mopping and vacuuming!  

You will also find her in the nursery on Sunday morning so if you have a baby in tow, feel free to leave the baby with Shae...she is fully trained and has all of her CPR qualifications in place!

How We Work With One another and With Christ

Like most organizations, we work within a structure of responsibility, oversight, and accountability. At Quispamsis United Church we work on a Council model, with several committees working on a variety of responsibilities like the Worship Committee which oversees all aspects of worship, or the Outreach Committee which works in our surrounding community to bring healing and hope. There are other committees with important work, and you can see who is responsible for what by checking out our organizational egg chart here. (being updated)

We do this work together as we strive to follow Christ’s way. Where do you see yourself offering the gifts God gave you?