QUC’s mission statement in part states that we value our children and youth, and we want to prepare them for their future through our ministry. Our Sunday School is a key component in equipping them. The curriculum is based on the scripture reading for each service, which reinforces the message the children hear while attending the first part of the service. Following the Theme Conversation, the students go to Sunday School where after a common story and prayer, they divide into two groups: PK to Grade 2 and Grades 3 to 6 or 7. Each lesson is supported by creative activities designed to deepen the children’s understanding of God’s powerful message.
QUC also engages the children / youth by encouraging them to participate in dramatic readings, Christmas and Easter pageants, virtual choirs, and by reading the weekly scripture.
If you are interested in your child being a part of this adventure, please either file out the online registration (link below) or print the form and drop it off on a Sunday in the offering plates at either entrance to the sanctuary.
Sunday School Registration
We also ask that you take a moment to fill out a questionnaire and submit it. You can either use the online questionnaire or print the form and drop it off on a Sunday in the offering plates at either entrance to the sanctuary. Your input helps us to serve you and our community better!